Registration Stage 1 - Register Your Club Name

IMPORTANT: Do not begin this registration process unless you have the following to hand: Names, addresses, postcodes and contact numbers for your Gym, Hon.Secretary, Competition Secretary. Coaches names and all your available Boxers details including weight, date of birth and record. Credit/Debit card to pay the £55 annual administration fee. Thank you.
PLEASE NOTE: Nothing is available to view until all details have been entered, the administration fee has been paid and approval is granted by Warrior Boxing.

Club Registration
Register your club here

Match Making Database Registration

All registrations require authorisation and e-mail confirmation before they appear online.

Admin Email Address
This will not be shown to the public, this is used by Warrior Boxing to contact you in case of problems with your entry in the Match Makers Database. Password reminders are also sent to this address.
Admin Email:

Registration Progress

1 - Initial Registration
2 - Add Club Information
3 - Add Boxers
4 - Pay Registration Fee